United Group Insurance

June 2017 Weather Data for Atlantic


July 1st, 2017 by Ric Hanson

The month of June, 2017 in Atlantic was slightly warmer and drier than normal, but about average on the monthly Low. The average High in Atlantic was 85.3 degrees, while the average Low was 58.9. Rainfall for the month amounted to 2.9 inches. The warmest day was June 4th, at 94 degrees. The coolest morning was 44 degrees on the 26th. We received the most rain on June 14th, at .68 one-hundredths (nearly .7″).

The normal average High for Atlantic in June was 82.7 degrees, the average Low was 58.8, and rainfall would normally have been around 4.98 inches.

July typically averages a High of 85.8 degrees, a Low of 63.1, and rainfall of 4.62 inches.