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Special Griswold School Board meeting this Thursday re: Special Election


May 8th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

Members of the Griswold School District’s Board of Education will hold a special meeting 5:30-p.m. this Thursday, May 11th in the Central Office at the Middle School/High School Building. First off, they’ll receive an update from the Facilities Committee and hold related discussion.

Superintendent Dave Henrichs told KJAN News, after the update and discussion, the Board will discuss and act upon receiving a Citizen’s Petition calling for a Special Election. Henrichs says the Facilities Committee currently has in its possession, a petition calling for the District to pass a bond.

Once the Board receives the petition with the required number of signatures, the Board will decide whether or not to proceed with the bond vote. If yes, the bond vote will take place June 27th and is in the amount of $9.9-million for the construction of a new Elementary Building and the remodeling of Middle School/High School.

A Community meeting was held in Griswold last Friday evening to discuss the latest information and recommendation from the Facilities Committee. Henrichs says there were roughly 70 people in attendance. Those in attendance were asked to fill out a survey pertaining to the project. 42 surveys were returned, with 38 responding favorably to the project and related costs, two were against and two were undecided. Henrichs considers that a “Very positive response.”

He says based on “…the assumption that the Board will proceed with the vote…a week prior to the bond vote, we’ll have some more community meetings to help inform people. We want to make sure they have the information they need to make the decision they feels what’s best for them to meet our needs.”