United Group Insurance

Cass County Bridge & road work continues


April 28th, 2017 by Ric Hanson

Work on some of the rural bridges in Cass County Continues. County Engineer Charles Bechtold informed the Board of Supervisors during their meeting this (Friday) morning, that Bridge #134 by Massena was poured a couple of weeks ago and the railings have been installed. It should be open in a couple of weeks. Bridge #17 in the southern part of the County is scheduled to have a deck poured next Wednesday, weather permitting.

He says two bridges are still under design, in-house. Bridge #433 on Olive Street was contracted out, and is expected to be done by November.

Bechtold said also, they’re having a hard time getting QUALITY gravel. Atlantic’s gravel pit he said, is shut-down, and they’re having to pull rock out of other, more distant quarries.

It costs about three-dollars per ton to haul if it comes from Atlantic, but four-dollars per ton from elsewhere. It takes 250-tons of rock and $4,000 to gravel one-mile of road.