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King might consider post in Trump Administration


November 10th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

Iowa Congressman Steve King says he might be interested in a new position next year — in Donald Trump’s administration. “I just don’t know. I worked a lifetime to be in a position to have maximum impact in a time like this and we’ll have to see what opportunities might be offered up or not and that’s not something I have a lot of control over,” King says. “But my life in the last 20 years is to serve and so this is a time to really roll up our sleeves and go to work and I look at it as a real, real opportunity for Iowans and for Americans.”

King cites the Homeland Security agency as a place that might lure him away from serving in the House. Trump did a fundraiser for King’s 2014 reelection campaign, but King wound up endorsing Ted Cruz before the 2016 Iowa Caucuses. Trump mentioned their complicated history this past Sunday during the Trump campaign rally in Sioux City. “Congressman Steve King, great guy,” Trump said. “I even liked him when he was endorsing Ted…It took him a little while, but he came around, right?”

King just won an eighth term in congress. The pollster King has used for a dozen years is Kellyanne Conway. In August, Conway took over as Trump’s campaign manager. King says Conway is “brilliant.”  “When Kellyanne came into the Trump campaign, you could see that she started to shift it around and she started to restrain and control some of the things that were going on that were undisciplined…You also saw the messaging come in,” King says. “…I think the Trump campaign was finely-tuned by Kellyanne Conway and she is a most essential component to his victory.”

King considers Conway a leading contender to be the press secretary for President-elect Trump because of her “utility” as a communicator. King made his comments during taping of Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press” program that will air Friday night.

(Radio Iowa)