United Group Insurance


Trading Post

August 16th, 2016 by Jim Field

FOR RENT:  3 bedroom house for rent, newly remodeled, $700.00 a month and $700.00 deposit.  Call or text 712-249-2053.

FOR SALE:  Heavy duty power wheel chair with new battery.  Asking $450 or would trade for a riding lawn mower.  Also, 48 player piano scrolls, many in their original packaging.  Asking $30.  Call 712-243-2361.

FOR SALE:  Metal transfer cart, 3 point hitch, 4′ x 7′ x 3′, like new, great for moving produce, asking $125.  Also,  4 1/2′ John Deere disc, good for a small acreage, asking $200 or best offer.  And, antique end gate seeder with sprocket for a wagon, asking $75.  Call 712-254-0018 in the evenings for any of these items.

FOR SALE: Two tickets for every home Nebraska game in Lincoln. Great seats. Section 18, Row 40. Face value price, most games are $65 or $75 each, except for Oregon. Call 712-243-2388 and leave a message. Can buy them all or two at a time.

WANTED: Square or big round bales of straw. 712-420-3016.