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More discussion expected Wed. evening on voted PPEL & PPEL Income Surtax, in Atlantic


June 7th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic School District’s Board of Education, Wednesday evening, is expected to continue with discussion pertaining to a special election for a voted Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) and PPEL Income Surtax. The talks are part of the Board’s regular monthly meeting that begins at 5:30-p.m in the Atlantic High School Media Center.

A Resolution of Election has been prepared calling for a vote on the combination PPEL and PPEL Income Surtax  which, if approved on Sept. 13th, would cause the regular, 1o-year PPEL to begin December 31st for each calendar year, commencing with the 2017 calendar year, and the PPEL Income Surtax to begin July 1st, 2017.

One Resolution calls for the regular PPEL Public Measure to be levied at a rate of 85-cents per thousand dollars assessed valuation, beginning July 1, 2017. A second Public Measure, which combines the PPEL and PPEL Income surtax, says the percentage of Income Surtax will not exceed 20-percent (to be determined by the Board each year), with the total taxation not to exceed $1.34 per $1,000 of assessed property value in any one tax year. If the measure fails, it would still not “Terminate or restrict authority previously granted by the voters to levy a special tax for any one or more of the purposes permitted by Iowa law.”  A similar Measure placed before the voters last fall, failed. School Board members hope to have the matter explained in more detail at future, public meetings.

In other business, the Atlantic School Board will act on recommendations by Superintendent Dr. Michael Amstein, for a 3% salary increase beginning with the 2016-17 School Year, for School District Administrators and Supervisors, and a 3% salary increase for Central Office clerical staff. In his request, Amstein says the cost of the salary increase for Administrators and Supervisors amounts to $29,108, which includes IPERS and FICA. He notes that during the 2015-16 school year, the Administrators and Supervisors did not receive a raise, but were given five additional vacation leave days that they were allowed to exchange for cash at the end of the school year. The same offer does not apply to the coming school year, but Amstein requests those individuals be able to retain the option to be paid for up to 5 days unused vacation leave at the end of the 2016-17 school year.

With regard to the Central Office clerical staff, Amstein says the cost of their salary increase would amount to $9,377, which again, includes IPERS and FICA. It affects four clerical positions, two tech support and one grounds maintenance positions. The 3% increase is less than the total package agreement negotiated with the non-certified employees association for the 2016-17 year.

And finally, the Atlantic School Board, Wednesday, will act on approving Contracts or Letters of Assignment for: Rebecca Vandevanter – Schuler Elem. Secretary; Ryan Henderson – High School P.E./Weight Training Teacher; Kelly Northwick – Washington Elem. Special Ed. Teacher, and Lenzi Jones – 3rd Grade Teacher.