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ICA BeefMeets to focus on success and profitability June 28th in Atlantic


June 1st, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association has announced the presenters for their first annual BeefMeets, to be held at the Cass County Community Center in Atlantic, on June 28th. The event begins with an 8:30-a.m. Registration and the opening of a Trade Show.
The educational sessions, which will also be held later this month in Spencer, Independence and Riverside, will be full of tips to maximize both short-term and long-term success in every sector of the cattle industry. More information on the event in Atlantic is available at http://www.iacattlemen.org/southwestregionalbeefmeet.aspx BeefMeets_SW2
Speakers will address issues that affect both cow/calf and feedlot operations, from heifer development and best weaning practices to managing cattle under roof and hiring exceptional labor. Lenders and economists will be on hand to provide their perspective on the current ag economy and strategies to get through this down cycle.

BeefMeets are replacing the Iowa Cattle Industry Convention, which has traditionally been held in Des Moines in the winter. In an effort to reach more cattlemen across the state, four day-long regional BeefMeets will be held in June. In addition to educational sessions, BeefMeets will include lunch, a full tradeshow, and a social gathering at the end of the day. District breakouts will give cattlemen a chance to weigh in on issues affecting their business, and Eldon McAfee will address some of the legal challenges farmers in Iowa are facing, including the Des Moines Water Works lawsuit and numerous nuisance suits.

Other activities throughout the day include an Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation auction fundraiser during lunch, a free Youth Beef Team training at 1:15, and a social event following the keynote in the afternoon. Join the local county cattlemen’s group outside for samples of new beef products and cold drinks.

Early registration ends June 13 and prices go up $10 at that time. All cattlemen are invited, but there is a discount for ICA members. Students are free. Register online today at www.iacattlemen.org.