United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council news


June 2nd, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council, Wednesday, approved a Resolution “Authorizing bids for the 2016 Street and Alley Improvements.” Snyder and Associates Engineer Dave Sturm said bid-letting for the projects will begin later this month. Sturm said their intention is to have the work completed late this summer or early fall. The projects were finalized for the Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Improvement plan. Slightly more than 1-million dollars for the projects will be financed by the 2016 bond. One-half-million dollars will be used from the Local Option Sales Tax Capital Improvement Streets fund to pay for the remaining projects.

The Council also approved, by a vote of 5-to 1, with Councilman Dana Halder opposed,   a change order pertaining to storm water improvements for the Nishna Hills Golf Course. Sturm explained this was the second change order for the project. The change amounted to an additional $3,293.95. He said that includes 46-square yards of cart path, excavation and grading and miscellaneous removal work. 20-cubic yards of dirt had to be brought in to close the project out.

The Atlantic City Council, Wednesday, also approved a Resolution in support of Home Base Iowa, a public/private partnership initiative. Cass-Atlantic Development Corporation (CADCO) President Pat McCurdy, explained Home Base Iowa serves to assist veterans and transitioning service members, back into the community and work force, and give them a place to call “home.”

He says their talents are especially needed here in Cass County, where employers are looking for mid-level workers (Such as electricians, welders and other, skilled labor), whose with skills that can be put to use right away. He said veterans are used to a structured environment and are perfect for those types of positions.

Dan Mehman, a local financial advisor, is spear-heading the local Home Base Iowa initiative. He said to date, 38 communities in Iowa have passed a similar resolution in support of the initiative. The Cass County Board of Supervisors last month passed a resolution of support for the program. Each community in the County must do the same in order for Cass County to be designated a Home Base Iowa County.

And, Mayor Dave Jones signed an order Proclaiming June 13th through the 17th as SWITA’s Ride Transit Week. The Southwest Iowa Transportation Association (SWITA) provides reasonably-priced rides for persons in need (55-thousand rides were provided last year alone, in Atlantic). Daurine Petersen, Outreach Specialist for the SWITA, says as a kick-off celebration of the designation, there will be a mobile unit serving cupcakes from a specialty baker in Des Moines, from 1-to 4-p.m. (or until they last) on Tuesday, June 7th in the SWIPCO parking lot on the west side of Atlantic.