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IA Transportation Commission approves I-80 projects in Cass County


March 8th, 2016 by Ric Hanson

The Iowa Transportation Commission Tuesday (today) approved an amendment to the fiscal year 2016 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program) that will add several new highway and bridge construction projects to the program in FY 2016. Officials say the Program amendment is possible because additional funding was made available after the Program was initially approved in June. The additional funding is available due to project cost savings, Iowa DOT budget savings, and receipt of federal funding that exceeded forecast amounts.

The amendment adds highway and bridge projects, including four non-interstate bridge modernization projects; six interstate construction projects; three safety projects; nine non-interstate pavement modernization projects; and two non-interstate system enhancement projects. The estimated cost of these projects is $91.7 million.IA DOT

Included among the revised projects, and those scheduled to take place on Interstate 80, in Cass County. One project incorporates the grading and paving of I-80 at the Olive Street, Wiota and Anita interchanges, and pavement rehabilitation projects at the Marne and Elk Horn interchanges. The cost of the projects will run $620,000.

The construction projects included in this amendment are planned to begin in calendar year 2016. For more information, go to http://www.iowadot.gov/program_management/five_year.html