August 11th, 2015 by Jim Field
FOR SALE: 2010 cargo/toyhauler/camper. 7x16x6.5. Air, awning, insulated, windows, extras. Asking $7,500. 712-769-2686.
FOR SALE: 2013 Goldwing trike. Silver, 8500 miles, new front tire, chrome bumper, mud flaps, more. Asking $28,000.
FREE: lots of double knit, large pieces and small pieces. 712-779-3316 in Massena.
WANTED: Need someone who can do upholstery. Have 4 kitchen chairs to upholster. 249-3807.
FREE: Moving and have a queen-size sofa sleeper. It is earth tone colors – brown, rust, gold and wheat in broad stripes. You have to move it. 243-2069. SOLD!!
WANTED: Handicap bench that can be used in a bathtub or shower. 243-1960.