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Jeb Bush slams Donald Trump for ‘rhetoric of divisiveness’


July 15th, 2015 by Ric Hanson

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (AP) — Jeb Bush is criticizing fellow Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump for his “rhetoric of divisiveness.” During a campaign stop in Council Bluffs Tuesday, the former Florida governor and 2016 candidate said that the Republican party cannot win elections as a “grievance party” and must focus on giving people hope for a better life.

The reality television star has been critical of Bush recently. Last week Trump called Bush “a joke” for suggesting that Mexican immigrants cross the border illegally as “an act of love.” Bush said that Republicans must focus on hope and optimism. He said that Trump has a right to hold his beliefs, but said he does not want to be associated with the “vitriol that he’s spewing out these days.”