United Group Insurance

Grilled Pizza (8-2-14)

Family Fun in the Kitchen

August 2nd, 2014 by Jim Field

Pizza dough: homemade, box mix, Pillsbury refrigerated, or ready made
Toppings of your choice: cooked/grilled veggies such as peppers, onion, mushrooms, spinach; cooked meat; sauce; cheese
Olive oil to coat dough
Roll out dough. Cut or shape into individual size pizzas-easier to handle on the grill and allows varied toppings. Coat with olive oil. This side becomes the top. Flip onto grill heated to medium. Close lid. Let pizza grill until bottom is just barely cooked about 1 to 3 minutes. You will see it get bubbly and rising. Every grill is different so depending on yours and how long you preheated it, the time varies. Use tongs or spatula to flip the pizza over. Move it to indirect heat or to a tray off the grill. Quickly add toppings. Grill until toppings are warmed through and cheese is melted about 3 minutes.

The first time may be an experiment, but you will want to make this yummy, easy, quick, fun food again. Any leftovers? Refrigerate of freeze.

A grilling pan or screen is necessary to prevent small items falling through the grill bars. Pizza dough may be placed directly on the grill.

Toss greens and/or veggies with olive oil, lemon juice, salt or other seasonings. Use medium heat. Some veggies require longer cooking time so cut them into smaller pieces when cooking a mixture. May take 10 or more minutes. Grill greens separately as only several minutes are required. Turn after a minute or so.

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