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IKM-MANNING Board of Ed approves consolidation


March 7th, 2014 by Ric Hanson

The IKM-Manning School Board of Educators has unanimously approved a motion for district reconfiguration for the 2014-2015 school year. In a regular board meeting held Thursday, the board heard from concerned citizens, staff and administrators, before making the motion to consolidate the district. Manilla Mayor Pat Wuestewald suggested the board not take action on the item and mentioned the city of Manilla would pay for legal action against the school district. Current teacher and coach for the IKM-Manning School District Kathy Lage, said the district needs to do something. “As a teacher we’re sitting there thinking what are we going to do? A decision needs to be made. I’ve gone to every board meeting for years. Scott knows when I was just here in Manning and got together I listened to you guys and I know it is a hard decision. If you don’t vote tonight, I think it’s a travesty. It needs to happen tonight. I know people are not going to be happy but that’s the way it is. But are you here for the kids? Are you hear for an education? That’s what is important.”

Superintendent Dr. Tom Ward also spoke and said that the situation as been a burden on him as well as the board. “I know this is a tough decision for my board members and it really has weighed heavily on me. I came into this blind, not knowing the full story of what we had to do. I had to make the recommendation to eliminate 16 and half positions. That has not been a joy on my part. I don’t want to lose kids to open enrollment because I know the quality of education that we provide here. And our decision is based upon what is best for kids. And for forty years I have done what is best for kids. This is hard and I know it is weighing on you all. We’ve got to make a decision, it’s weighing on me.”

Before making the motion, board chairman Dave Heller wanted to see some unity from the public. “Until we get over Manning debt or Manilla or Irwin and talking like they are three separate communities and not part of the district is not right.” The comment was met with applause from those in attendance at the meeting.  Once the discussion was over, Heller made the motion to reconfigure the district in the fall of 2014.

 “We’re going to have pre-school in Manning and Irwin. We are going to have all of kindergarten, first, second and third in Irwin. We are going to have 4th through 12th grade in Manning. We will keep the Manilla gym open for junior high athletics, keep central office in Manilla and move it to the weight room area, keep baseball in Manilla, softball in Irwin and I think I have covered it all.” The motion was seconded and approved.

In other business, the board approved the date of April 10th at 6:45pm for the 2014-2015 budget hearing and the early start waiver hearing. The two public hearings will be held in the Family Consumer Science Room in Manilla.

(Joel McCall/KNOD)