United Group Insurance

Special election set for Tuesday in Exira-EHK District


February 3rd, 2014 by Ric Hanson

Patrons of the Exira and Elk Horn-Kimballton Community School Districts will head to the polls Tuesday (Feb. 4th), to act on a Public Measure adopting a Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS). The polls will be open from Noon until 8-p.m. Exira-EHK Superintendent Dean Schnoes has said the election is required by the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) and Department of Education (DOE).

The RPS will allow the districts to authorize the expenditure of revenues from the State of Iowa to secure an advanced vision for the education fund received by the Exira-Elk Horn Kimballton Community School District. The RPS specifies how the One-cent Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) can be used, including, but not limited to: Property Tax relief; New buildings or additions to current facilities; the lease or purchase of buildings or equipment, and more.

The RPS is typically in effect for 10-years, which for each district independently is currently in 2020. Schnoes said “Because it’s a new district, it’s just another one of those things you have to have in-place, like a school starting brand new.” He said “If we’re going to continue on with the education that we have here providing the facilities, the curriculum, the things that we need to provide education…we still need to have [the RPS] in-place.”

If the measure fails to win voter approval, it will not terminate or restrict authority previously granted by the voters to expend receipts from the “secure an advanced vision for education,” fund. If it’s approved, it will remain in effect until replaced or amended by the Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton School District.

You can read details about the Special Election on the Exira-EHL website under “Public Notices,” or click on this link to the PDF: http://swmcdn.com/site_0244/EXIRAEHK_RevenuePurposeStmt_111813.pdf