United Group Insurance


Trading Post

October 24th, 2013 by Jim Field

WANTED: A 4-bedroom rental home in Atlantic. Call 243-2450 with information.

WANTED:  I really want an all black, or white kitten.  My phone number is 712-254-3336.  Please help I live in Atlantic.

FOR SALE: 30 inch steel door and a 30 inch storm door.  They look like brand new and have only been opened 4 times since installed.  If you stand in front of the door the knob is on the right.  $150 for the set.  Will be available in 2 weeks.  You can see them at 406 East 10th in Atlantic, they face the front porch.  Call 712-243-7025.

FOR SALE:  Left headlamp assembly for 1997-2003 Pontiac Grand Prix. New in box. $35.00 0r offer. Call 712-482-3157 or 402-206-5838.

PLANT SALE: 502 E 5th Street in Atlantic. Friday, Oct. 25th from 2pm-4pm.  Saturday, Oct. 26th from 10am-4pm. Lots of Violets ranging in price from $0.50 to $5.  Big Begonias for $12 that will bloom pink or white.  Will be protected and will have plastic containers.  Also will have lots of little pots for sale that would be great for a desk plant or hens & chicks etc.

WANTED: Dog self-feeders. Heat Lamps, heat pads or anything else related to outdoor kenneling.  Call 712-249-6930.

FOR SALE:  lots of nicknacks, roosters, dolphins, elephants.  Also have a couch and other furniture.  Moving and need to sell.  Call 712-249-3001.

FREE:  Black walnuts with large meat and thin shell.  Help yourself!  In backyard at 205 East 9th Street in Atlantic.