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Tax Foundation: Iowa has “11th worst business tax climate”


October 9th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

Passage of a property tax relief package will not alter Iowa’s overall tax “climate” for businesses in 2014 according to a national group that issues a yearly ranking. For the second straight year the Tax Foundation — a conservative Washington, D.C. “think tank” — ranks Iowa 40th out of the 50 states in terms of how taxes in the state will impact businesses. That’s the “11th worst business tax climate” according to the Tax Foundation.

The group evaluates over a hundred different kinds of taxes states collect and ranks Wyoming as having the most positive tax climate for business, followed by South Dakota in the number two slot. An economist for the Tax Foundation says some states improved in the rankings because governors and legislators made their state tax codes simpler, so businesses aren’t forced to navigate “complex” tax laws.

(Radio Iowa)