United Group Insurance

State gov’t offices will be open


October 1st, 2013 by Ric Hanson

The federal government shut-down means federal offices will be closed, but Iowa’s governor says state government will be open for business. “We’re going to try to minimize any disruptions or any problems that could occur,” Branstad says. However, some Iowa National Guard soldiers and some workers at the Rock Island Arsenal will be furloughed.

The state-level health insurance exchanges that were created by the federal Affordable Care Act start taking applications today (Tuesday). Governor Branstad says some of the low-income Iowans who can start getting health care coverage through Medicaid can start enrolling on the state health care exchange today (Tuesday) — even though the state doesn’t have a federal waiver for some of the program requirements that are unique to Iowa.

“We’re going to continue to go forward on the assumption that the Department of Human Services is eventually going to approve this,” Branstad says. “We’ve been working with them since February.” The main sticking point for Iowa is the proposed monthly premium some of the new Medicaid recipients would be required to pay under the “Iowa Health and Wellness” plan. 

(Radio Iowa)