United Group Insurance

Volunteers needed for Missouri River clean-up project on Saturday


September 6th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

Volunteers are needed this weekend for a clean-up project along the Missouri River’s banks in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area. Jeff Barrow, spokesman for the group Missouri River Relief, says there’s plenty of work to be done. “Trash comes in from upstream and collects in the woods and islands in the metro area,” Barrow says. “We’ll probably get ten tons of trash with the volunteers who turn out on Saturday.”

This is the fifth annual event to clean up the river and Barrow says volunteers are key in making it a success. “River Relief has the boats and equipment and tools to run the event but we need the volunteers to provide the muscle and the heart and soul,” he says. “That’s what gets the job done.

During last year’s event, volunteers hauled out 58 tires, three refrigerators, four T-Vs, 400 pounds of metal, 100 pounds of rebar, a 500-gallon metal diesel tank and a plastic pink flamingo. If you can offer a hand, Barrow says to dress accordingly. “They don’t call it the Big Muddy for nothing,” he says, “so wear good shoes that are strong and that you don’t mind getting dirty.”

The clean-up is from 9 to noon on Saturday, rain or shine. Registration will be at the Riverfront Marina at Lewis and Clark Landing in Omaha. Volunteers will be treated to a complimentary lunch. Details are available at “riverrelief.org“.

(Radio Iowa)