United Group Insurance

Shelby County Supervisor’s meeting report


September 17th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

A bridge in Shelby County will see improvements made starting in the next few days. In a Supervisors meeting this (Tuesday) morning, Shelby County Engineer Dan Ahart appeared before the board to discuss soil borings on the Douglas bridge, or as he called it the “Hollywood bridge,” located in section 33 1400th Street in Douglas Township. Ahart explained the bridge south of Kirkman on the Nishnabotna River will be closed during the day to drill holes for the soil borings beginning this week.

Certified Testing out of Sioux City is the contractor for the work. Ahart says the process is a simple procedure. As he said there will be four borings conducted, one at each abutment and two on the bridge where the new piers will be. Closure signs will be up near the bridge and the crews will drop them in-place during the evening.

The Supervisors approved the work which will cost $5,800. The money will come out of the farm to market funding. Following the motion and approval, Ahart said the same bridge will go out for bids in late fall or early winter of 2014 and construction would start in 2015.

(Joel McCall/KNOD)