United Group Insurance

Public meetings scheduled about federal health care changes


September 20th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

A series of town hall meetings meant to inform Iowans about the federal health care overhaul begin this weekend. Angel Robinson, with the Iowa Insurance Division, says individuals and business owners can ask questions about the health insurance marketplace that goes live on October 1st. “We are going out to a couple places nearly every week. We are hoping that people will come and will come with their questions, to get educated, to understand, so they’re not surprised by the changes that are coming,” Robinson says. The Affordable Care Act requires everyone to have insurance coverage in 2014 or pay a tax penalty.

“This affects everybody. You either have to have coverage or find it or decide you will take the penalty. People don’t always realize that, so we definitely want to talk to them,” Robinson says. Iowans will be able to access a marketplace allowing them to compare health insurance plans and see if they qualify for subsidies to help pay for premiums. More than 20 informational meetings are planned around the state through November 21st.

Locally, meetings on the health care changes will be held:

Nov. 6th, in Carroll, from 6:30-to 7:30-pm.

Nov. 7th, in Atlantic, from Noon until 1-p.m., at the Cass County Community Center

Nov. 13th, in Clarinda, from 6:30-to 7:30-pm at the Lied Public Library.

Details about additional meeting times and locations are available on the Iowa Insurance Division website at http://www.iid.state.ia.us/sites/default/files/page/2013/04/10/consumer_flyer_des_moines_pdf_20635.pdf

(Radio Iowa)