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Trading Post

August 10th, 2013 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  We have 4 myotonic goats for sale. 3 bucks and 1 doe. Asking 200.00 for each. All are registered with the MGR. Text 249-7653 or email schroder@metc.net for pictures.

FOR SALE:  Old Dempster hand well pump with offset spout suitable for yard art $95.00. New 2 inch hitch receiver and 2 inch ball $19.00. 712–249-7592.

FREE:  Kenmore gas clothes dryer. Works fine. Updated to a new energy efficient one. FREE TO ANY ONE WHO CAN USE IT! 712-249-6430.

FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Border Collie, 2 year old neutered male, friendly. 515-210-0465.

WANTED:  I am looking for an apartment for rent around Walnut or Shebly,  Iowa.  All I can spend is $400.00 a month.  psebeniecher@yahoo.com.

FOR SALE:  chocolate cockapoo puppies.  $300 dollars.  712-249-6930.

FOR SALE: wardrobe with shelves and hanging area. Oak finish 60″ high x 32′ wide x 21″ deep.  Asking $40.00.  712-563-2539.

WANTED:  some really hot peppers, jalapeno or habanero peppers to make salsa.  Call 243-5759.

FOR SALE: Brown lift chair, excellent condition. Purchased for $800, asking $350. 712-250-0228

WANTED: lawnmower trailer or cart. 712-304-4262