United Group Insurance

Harlan City Council Meeting Tuesday


August 19th, 2013 by admin

The city of Harlan is scheduled to have a regular City Council Meeting in Council Chambers on Tuesday, August, 20th at 5:15-p.m. On the agenda will be the renewal application from Casey’s General Store for a Class E Liquor License, Class B wine, Class C beer and Sunday sales, review of expenditure, revenue, and investment reports for the month of July, Police statistical report for the month of July and receive and file the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s July, 2013 report.

There will also be a motion to accept the quote from StaBilt Construction Co. to surface Maple Road from Highway 44 to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $36,185.90. Also, a motion to accept Pat Deren’s resignation from the Airport Commission and to appoint Randy Pash to complete Pat’s term which expires April 1st, 2018.

In other business, there will be a motion to rescind Resolution No. 2106, approving 28E agreement with Shelby County regarding the collection of delinquent parking tickets.

The meeting will begin at 5:15-p.m. in Council Chambers.