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Be a Friend, Not a bully!


August 13th, 2013 by Ric Hanson

As area schools head back to classes this week, the Cass County Child Abuse Prevention Council is encouraging local students to BE A FRIEND, Not a bully!    While parents and students should keep in mind that bullying takes place all year, the local Child Abuse Prevention Council is asking for the communities support this week and always in reminding local youth to BE A FRIEND, Not a bully!

Starting a conversation with your child about bullying can be the first step to prevent bullying, and helping them feel supported. Give your child some helpful hints in dealing with bullies, such as the ones listed below.  Suggest that your student look at their actions and how they can affect the feeling of others.  Also, keep in mind that bullying is a legal matter. More information on preventing bullying, or steps to take if your child has been bullied or is bullying others, can be found at http://www.education.com/topic/school-bullying-teasing/  or contact the Prevention Hotline 855-581-8111.

Bullying can be devastating for everyone involved, especially a child.  Bullying can create a feeling of being frightened, angry, and depressed.  Types of bullying may include physical abuse (hitting and pushing), verbal abuse (teasing and calling names), and relationship abuse (rumors/gossip and isolation). 

Ways to stand up for yourself…  (Adapted from HELPGUIDE.org)

-walk away from a bully

-protect yourself against physical abuse

-report the event to a trusted adult and continue to report it until someone      helps.

Ways to BE A FRIEND…

-Be Kind and Compassionate

-Resolve conflicts peacefully

-Focus on positive friendships

-Respect yourself and others

Cass County is a strong community.  It is up to us to protect our children and teach them how to respect their peers and themselves.  Make it a “back to school resolution” to talk to the youth in your life about this important topic, and help kick off the new school year right!