United Group Insurance


Trading Post

July 11th, 2013 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  Wadsworth Circuit Breakers, pulled out of a working panel that was replaced with a larger panel. 50 AMP 2 Pole $60, 40 AMP 2 Pole $50, 30 AMP 2 Pole $40, 20 AMP Single Pole $25, Single Slot Double 20 AMP Single Pole $40 Have multiples of most, and may consider offers on multiples. Some are less than 2 years old. Located in Atlantic. Call 712-249-9196 and leave message.

GARAGE SALE:  Friday, July 12th 12-6pm and Saturday, July 13th 8am-1. 12 Fair Ridge Circle (West on 18th off Olive). Multi-Family: NICE brand name teen/adult clothing/shoes, boys (8-12), Ampro cordless impact wrench, skill saw, assorted tools, 10-speed bike, household décor, brass items, books, toys, piano, treadmill, LOTS of misc.

WANTED:   Good, used Trumpet, 402-639-1969, Avoca.

FREE: Rhubarb at 117 Front Street in Highland Addition in Atlantic