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Harlan School Board News


July 23rd, 2013 by Ric Hanson

The Harlan Community School District’s Board of Education has approved an election on a revenue purpose statement. In a meeting Monday, the Board approved the resolution approving a revenue purpose statement and ordering an election on the statement as well as authorize expenditures. Superintendent Justin Wagner says the statement deals with the 1 cent or penny tax.

“Basically the revenue statement is the district policy on the order and usage on how we can spend our 1 cent tax. This is pursuant to the wishes of the patrons and district and that is why we are taking it to an election.” He says right now the penny tax is being used to pay off the Primary School Building. “The district is using the proceeds to pay off the general obligation bonds and revenue bonds which are the bonds to pay for the Primary building. Sometimes folks say levees are paying for the building but they are not. It is the statewide penny tax.”

The Harlan Community School District currently has a revenue purpose statement and needs to be renewed every 10 years. Wagner said it is very broad to allow the district to use the money in many different ways. The statement wasn’t due until September 2018, but Wagner says the district is at a good spot financially and called it a good time to renew. The Superintendent went on to say if the statement is not renewed, it would affect the tax payers.

“If the statement is not renewed then the district has violated some of the agreements with the bond holders. We would also have to levee for debt retirement to satisfy the general obligation bonds. Basically instead of using the statewide dollars from the penny tax, we would be using local tax dollars which is what we don’t want to do.”

The election will be held Tuesday, September 10th and will include 7 or 8 questions on what the school board can use the penny tax dollars for and also the school board members who are up for re-election.

(Joel McCall/KNOD)