United Group Insurance


Trading Post

June 27th, 2013 by admin

FOR SALE: Lots of tools; small deep freezer, works good; 4×8 trailer. 404 W. 8th, 712-254-3725.

FOR SALE: 3 window air conditioning units. $40.00 each. Great for cooling 1-2 rooms each. Call 249-3270 and please leave a message if interested.

FOR SALE: Gas stove-$75.00. Call 249-3270 and please leave a message if interested. SOLD!

WANTED: Looking for a reasonably priced working electric clothes dryer for family of 6 currently without one working. It doesn’t have to look good just needs to work. Call or leave a message at 712-781-2332.

WANTED: To rent a 1 or 2 Bedroom House or lower level apartment with off street parking if possible. Call 249-8475.

FOR SALE: Older RCA TV great picture Rarely used. $20.00 come & get it. Call 712-249-0333.

FOR SALE: 3 TVs. 15 inch – $15.00, 24 inch – $25.00, 24 inch -$25.00 or all 3 for $50.00 –OBO / work great Call 712-254-1908 –can text a pic.

GARAGE SALE:  Friday, June 28th 12-6 pm & Saturday, June 29th 8 am – noon. old bucksaw & hay knife, lots more. 404 Cedar, Atlantic

FOR SALE: 50″ Sharp TV, HD, flatscreen $300 firm. 254-0655

FOR SALE: Crestline 17′ boat, 1978, 6 1/2 wide, 7 passenger comes with tilt bed trailer (new tires) and life vests, license is good. $1,000 or will trade; spring loaded steel storm cellar door $100 obo. 243-3073 leave message

FOR SALE: 24″ steel culvert, 20′ long $150. 712-304-0794

FOR SALE: Jenome sewing machine with cabinet, model #4014, in great condition. $100. 712-249-0009 or 243-3669