United Group Insurance


Trading Post

June 20th, 2013 by Jim Field

GARAGE SALE:  @ 1004 Walnut St. in Atlantic Thursday 2-7 and Friday 1-6.

GARAGE SALE:  803 Locust St. Friday, June 21, 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm and Saturday, June 22, 8:00 am-11:00 am.  Lots of nice items!!!!

GARAGE SALE:   1007 Laurel (in alley) in Atlantic.  Friday 3-6 and Saturday 8-12.   Lots of things for sale too many to mention!  Little something for everyone!

GARAGE SALE: 804 East Mahogany Drive. Friday June 21st from 8am-6pm and Saturday June 22nd from 8am-12pm. Toys, books, kids and adult clothing and lots of miscellaneous items.

FOR SALE: Old 11-foot disc, the tires are shot and the weight needs to be taken off of it. Call 243-3756 and leave a message if there is no answer.

FOR SALE:  40 hot water heater, used one year. American made, .Bradford White Uses propane only.   $200.  249-4138.