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Atlantic City Council to leave speed limit on W. 22nd Street as is, for now


November 21st, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The consensus of the Atlantic City Council following a public hearing Tuesday night, was to leave the speed limit along West 22nd Street, from Chestnut to Palm, at 45-miles per hour. They reached their decision after reviewing two-letters of support for reducing the speed limit from 45-to 35, and hearing from four citizens who wanted the speed limit reduced. City Clerk Deb Wheatley-Field say she had only received two letters of support for keeping the speed limit the same. Mayor Dave Jones asked the Council their opinions on the speed limit issue, after all the discussion was said and done.

Councilmen Steve Livengood and Shaun Shouse, along with Mayor Jones spoke first. Livengood said he was hesitant to lower speed limits without some sort of uniform criteria on why it’s being done. Shouse said he wants to see a total review of 22nd Street. Mayor Jones agreed, because of the calls he’s received pertaining to other sections of the street, not just the western one-third.

Councilman Chris Jimerson said he wants to see increased patrols by the Atlantic Police Department. Livengood added that he wants double-yellow lines painted along that stretch of road, to encourage people not to speed-up and pass slower vehicles and, the installation of signs warning of “Hidden Driveways” ahead, especially near the hilly terrain, which will prompt motorists to slow down. The Council will also send the matter back to the Community Protection Committee for review. Steve Livengood and Chris Jimerson serve on the Committee.

Councilperson Kathy Somers says the engineering studies that were conducted prior to the road being built, was done with the “best intentions,” but the community has changed, and so has its needs. Shouse added that the problem with residents being worried about being hit as they pull out of their driveways could have been avoided prior to the road being built, if the City had been less worried about saving the developer of the area money, and more about functionality of the streets that feed into 22nd Street, as well as the size of the turn-arounds in the housing development area.