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Possible, future changes to Atlantic’s Driver’s Ed program


October 9th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic School Board Monday, discussed, but did not take action on a possible change in the way Driver’s Education is taught in the District. Drivers’ Ed is currently only available during the summer, but Superintendent Dr. Michael Amstein said with the trend in other area districts being to contract-out the service of Driver’s Ed instructor, it’s appropriate that Atlantic consider doing the same thing, because of the cost saving it would provide. That includes the areas of FICA and IPERS on the salaries the district pays, and wear and tear on the vehicles the district provides for the training.

Amstein says the district can realize a considerable savings by contracting-out the service, and potentially, offer the classes during the early Fall and Spring semesters, as well. They would be designed so as to not interfere with daily instruction.

The district currently pays about $25,000 in salaries and benefits for the Driver’s Ed instructors, along with the price of gasoline and wear and tear on vehicles. This past summer, there were more than 100 students taking Driver’s Ed in two class periods. Atlantic Activities Director Josh Rasmussen said smaller class sizes of about 20 or so would be a better learning environment for those students, instead of 50-per class.

The school would still collect money from the students for the classes. It would not be paid directly to the company or person providing the training. If the district decides to contract-out for those services, the earliest it would take effect would be the summer of 2013. Amstein said if a contract is worked out, it could also be an option in-place for the fall of 2013 and Spring of 2014.