September 6th, 2012 by Jim Field
FOR SALE: Turtle sandbox $ 5. Shoes: soccer cleats sz 5&6, tan jazz sz 7. 243-3636.
FOR SALE: 100 – 2x4x10 3.25 each (new) 18 sheets of 1/2″ 4×8 drywall sheets 6.00 each. 712-249-0726.
GARAGE SALE: 302-304 Oak St ( in alley) Thurs & Friday 2-6-pm . Health & Beauty items, girls, boys, men’s & women’s clothes. Piano rolls, old sheet music, records, books, and lots of miscellaneous. Rain or shine.
WANTED: 1 ticket or more to the Iowa-Iowa State game on Saturday. 250-0228.
FREE: 11 year old white cat that has been neutered and front declawed. It is litter trained but does not get along with kids. They are moving week of October 1st which is why they are giving it away. 243-4163
FOR SALE: Color TV, 19″ with remote & booklet. $35; small computer desk $20; exercise bike $20. 712-249-7421