United Group Insurance


Trading Post

August 10th, 2012 by admin

FOR SALE: 2000 Mercury Sable, needs a little work, good motor $500; reciever hitch $100. 712-254-6329

FOR SALE:  Georgia brand new work boots size 12.  Paid $100 originally, but will take $40.  FOR SALE:  Several pairs of G&L pants sizes 52-62 that have longer pants legs.  $10 a pair.  304-2587 in Exira.

GARAGE SALE:  8am-5pm, Sat August 11, 7th & Poplar Meyer and Gross Doc Martin Shoes, Coach Purses, Stampin up, Creative Memories, Fishing Gear, Camping Equipment, Golf Clubs, Decoys, Clothes, Toys, and Furniture.