United Group Insurance

Ericksen Trial – Day 2: Morning session


August 29th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

Testimony in the trial for a Lewis man facing charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year old girl in 2011 resumed this (Wednesday) morning, in Atlantic. 52-year old Roger Ericksen was arrested last December on charges of Assault with the intent to commit Sexual Abuse, Lascivious Conduct with a Minor, and 46 Class-C felony counts of Sexual Abuse in the 3rd degree.

Jane Lowe, with the Iowa Department of Human Services in Atlantic was one of those who testified during the proceedings this morning.

Jane Lowe, IA DHS Caseworker

Lowe, who oversees Child Welfare Services and works with Children In Need of Assistance (CHINA), told the court she had been involved as a caseworker with the alleged victim of the crime since July, 2010, which is when she was assigned to her case. She said she went to the Ericksen home in Lewis on July 25th, and observed the teen was uncomfortable when Roger Ericksen tried to give hear a “bear hug” from behind as she was about to leave, and told her he “loved her.” She said the girl kind of “squirmed out from under Ericksen and made her way toward the door, as Lowe and the teen were about to leave for dinner. She said she asked the girl if she was okay, and she replied yes, but she said mentioned she didn’t like it when Roger touched her that way.

It was after dinner at a restaurant in Atlantic, that the girl confided in Lowe about what allegedly transpired in the home. The girl also told Lowe that she wanted to remain in the Ericksen home, but that she wanted the “problem” to go away. The teen mentioned the incidents with Roger Ericksen allegedly occurred when Roger’s wife Deb was at work, or late at night, when everyone was asleep. Lowe said there had been no concerns about the Ericksen’s being foster parents prior to the incident she learned of in July, 2011. Under cross examination, Ericksen’s Attorney Theodore Wonio asked Lowe if she was aware of any concerns with the teen “being untruthful” in the past.

She said there was a report the girl had a “History of lying,” but her involvement in the case led her to believe that was because the girl had wanted to “get out of trouble,” and get out of the consequences.”

Dan Dorrance, IA DHS

Dan Dorrance, with the DHS also testified this morning. Dorrance, who works out of the DHS office in Red Oak, said he spoke with Ericksen’s wife and biological children after Roger left the home in July 25th, 2011. He said they claimed to have no knowledge of any inappropriate touching by Roger having occurred in the home. Other testimony received this morning came from “Suzy” Noopur Mistry and Lisa Johnson, both with the child advocacy and protection group “Project Harmony,” in Omaha. A nurse practitioner with the organization conducted a physical exam of the alleged victim on July 29th, 2011.