United Group Insurance


Trading Post

July 31st, 2012 by admin

FOR SALE: Rods/reels…Zepco 33/202…are not the new plastic kind but are in good shape.  $12 each.  789-1928 in Lewis.

FOR SALE: Out house – needs some work $70; small child’s scooter, needs new battery $25;  separator disk for on a bike wheel that rotates for $15. 243-1445

WANTED: An affordable 2 bedroom rental home in Atlantic or the surrounding area ASAP.  Text or call 402-215-6820 or 712-482-3159.

FOR SALE: Furniture items for under $200.  712-792-9447.

WANTED: Willing to cut down trees if you cannot afford a tree service.  Will not be able to cut trees in Atlantic though.  The work would be done to help people out, as he would not use the wood for personal use.  He would not be able to do anything more than 2 feet across…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  778-4672.

GARAGE SALE: 101 3rd Ave in Audubon on Thursday and Friday from noon-6 PM both days.

FOR SALE: Garden tools, clothing for those age 2-60, and a rocker chair.  712-563-2712.

FOR SALE: 2 corn knives for $5 each.  326-4990.

FOR SALE: Garden Trellis.  $50 obo.  Call 712-250-4420.

WANTED: Hide a bed.  249-8754

FOR SALE: Dog kennel that is about 3 feet tall.  It has a door and fencing fabric.  243-2632.