June 15th, 2012 by admin
FOR SALE: New Adidas cycling choes. Black with silver and blue trim, size 8 1/2. Retail was $120, asking $35; new clip on expandable seat bag $12. 712-655-2859.
WANTED: Beaver costume to borrow or rent for the weekend of July 6th & 7th. 712-789-0286
WANTED: Small chest type freezer. 712-307-2873
GARAGE SALE: Sat. June 16th 10-3 pm. 2006 Washington St., Elk Horn. Girls clothing NB-4T, boys clothing NB-18 months. Kids toys, lots of misc. household items.
GARGE SALE: Sat. June 16th. 306 Birch St., Atlantic. Great name brand clothing L-XL ladies, Mens starts at XL and a few larger sizes. Lots of kitchen stuff (including George Formans), lamps, gaming chairs, wedding decor and more.
FOR SALE: Firewood $5 per bundle or $70 for truckload – only have 1 truckload; WANTED: odd jobs. 712-789-1928