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Trading Post

May 11th, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: 1 Queen mattress, 2 – single bed box spring, 1 – headboard/base with 6 drawers (was for waterbed, but have used with just queen mattress insert).  Call 712-249-1607 for prices and to see items.

FOR SALE: new windows with storms:  2 – 67″H x 30″W, 1 – 71″H x 27 1/2″W, $30.00 each.  712-249-1607.

Griswold City Wide Garage Sales: Garage Sale, Saturday, May 12th at 40 Harrison Street in Griswold (right next to the high school) from 7am-12pm. Newborn-12 month baby boy items, infant/toddler toys and items household items, computer desk/chair, kitchen table, and much much more.

WANTED: 4 – 1 cent Euro coins. 249-5105