March 2012
March 1st, 2012 by admin
March 1st:
- Phyllis Anderson of Atlantic (Winner)
- Patricia Kinkade-Dorsey of Atlantic
- Julie Symonds of Massena
- Stella Rose of Audubon
- Dorothy Tupper of Lewis
- Sally Myer of Atlantic
March 2nd:
- Clifford Christensen of Atlantic (Winner)
- Percilla Juelsgaard of Audubon
- Terry Bengard of Exira
- Andrew Rothfusz of Atlantic
March 3rd:
- Cathy Jones of Cumberland (Winner)
- John Nowatzke of Kimballton
- Pastor Nancy Jensen of Atlantic
- Macey Bauer of Audubon
March 4th:
- Barb Sorensen of Exira (Winner)
- Mark Rothfusz of Atlantic
- Kathy Ostrus of Council Bluffs
March 5th:
- Sharon Witt of Atlantic (Winner)
- Corri Pelzer of Atlantic
- Lisa Mills of Massena
March 6th:
- Cathleen Griffin of Atlantic (Winner)
- Melissa Gries of Elk Horn
- Meriel Hall of Fontanelle
- Darin Jensen of Audubon
- Bonnie Eggers of Shelby
- Connie Nevins of Atlantic
- Joan Robertson of Atlantic
March 7th:
- Delma Bennett of Kimballton (Winner)
- Madison Neighbors of Atlantic
- Harry Tupper of Lewis
- Tom Hill of Exira
- Bruno Behrends of Atlantic
- Peg Beschorner of Wiota
- Aaron Rothfusz of Atlantic
- Janice Brown of Atlantic
March 8th:
- Ries Andersen of Elk Horn (Winner)
- Nancy Munch of Exira
March 9th:
- Dee Reilly of Massena (Winner)
- Pat Simmons of Wiota
- Nedra Perry of Atlantic
- Chris Conrad of Atlantic
- Jada Jensen of Atlantic
- Tom Carroll of Avoca
March 10th:
- Doug Kelly of Griswold (Winner)
March 11th:
- Ethel Christensen of Brayton (Winner)
- Raymond Nielsen of Audubon
- Margery Walker of Exira
- Harold Rochholz of Casey
March 12th:
- Forrest Teig of Atlantic (Winner)
March 13th:
- Marion Perdue of Atlantic (Winner)
- Brett Pieken of Atlantic
- Julia McNeese of Atlantic
March 14th:
- Rayna Myers of Lewis (Winner)
- Wallace Dolch of Atlantic
- Eric Vogl of Anita
- Arline Gans of Irwin
March 15th:
- Drew Skartvedt of Atlantic (Winner)
- Corbin Logemann of Atlantic
- Betty Winston of Atlantic
- Roger Petersen of Exira
March 16th:
- Lawrence Eilts of Cumberland (Winner)
- Brett Stakey
- Lexi Winther of Anita
- Zander Nielsen of Exira
- Teresa Godwin of Cumberland
- Rich Perry of Atlantic
- Abbey Bishop of Atlantic
March 17th:
- Mary Hoegh of Atlantic (Winner)
- Lois Nelson of Atlantic
- Julie Earnhart
- Kevin Elliott
March 18th:
- Rose Pangburn of Atlantic
- Carolyn Rudolph of Audubon
- Jazmine Smith of Atlantic
- Florence Theilen of Atlantic
March 19th:
- Jacob Juelsgaard of Elk Horn (Winner)
- Jayden Fiebelkorn of Exira
- Doreen Christensen of Audubon
- Marlene Hummel of Atlantic
- Karen Berger of Atlantic
- Ike Harry of Atlantic
- Robert Euken of Atlantic
March 20th:
- Maren McNees of Atlantic (Winner)
- Barry Williams of Casey
- Donnis Helbourg of Atlantic
- Delbert Christensen of Audubon
March 21st:
- Kelsey Hamilton of Atlantic (Winner)
- Lyle Hartmann of Cumberland
- Randi Cranston of Atlantic
- Dell Marten of Audubon
- Lynda Martens of Atlantic
March 22nd:
- JoAnn Hansen of Atlantic (Winner)
- Katie Kelly of Griswold
- Steve Schaaf of Massena
- Lyle Pigg of Atlantic
- Lydia Rothfusz
- Shirley Pattee of Avoca
March 23rd:
- Brandon Jensen of Audubon (Winner)
- Patty Nelson of Atlantic
March 24th:
- Matthew Gearheart of Atlantic
- Chelsey Conrad
- John Riesberg of Audubon
March 25th:
- Donita Nowatzke of Kimballton
- Dannan Mathisen of Atlantic
- C.W. Adams of Atlantic
- Tammy Wiley of Lewis
March 26th:
- Anabel Schroder of Atlantic (Winner)
- George Schultes of Exira
March 27th:
- Adella Vogl of Adair (Winner)
- Chelsie Steffens of Atlantic
March 28th:
- Kaley Ladd of Atlantic (Winner)
- Mary ANn Nielsen of Avoca
- Karen Blum of Harlan
- Jonelle Ruffing of Atlantic
- Amanda Blake of Walnut
March 29th:
- Ciela Nichols of Atlantic (Winner)
- Harry Williams of Atlantic
- Drake Partridge of Elk Horn
March 30th:
- Shirley Warne of Atlantic (Winner)
- Diane Martens of Atlantic
March 31st:
- Cecil Denney Jr. of Anita (Winner)
- Mary Fry of Audubon
- Ruth Norman of Atlantic
- Todd Madsen of Harlan