United Group Insurance


Trading Post

February 29th, 2012 by admin

WANTED: AM/FM tuner. 243-3396

FOR SALE: All chrome canister vacuum, like new. $125. 243-3396

WANTED: Smaller, older camper from the 60’s or 70’s about 10-12 feet.  Would like to restore the camper.  712-304-4262

FOR TRADE: A Bonneville SLE for a newer camper or street rods.  712-304-4262

FOR SALE: A variety of prom dresses…$25.  769-2256.

FOR SALE: Two tickets to Broadway Omaha “Rock of Ages” on Saturday, March 10 at 8 PM at the Orpheum in Omaha.  Tickets are three rows from the stage, center with aisle seats.  $57 each.  243-2388.

FOR SALE: Large wheel barrow – metal – new tub stored inside.  $30.  249-1726.

FOR SALE: Electric leaf blower and attachments with a 100 foot cord.  $25.  249-1726.

FOR SALE: Artley Clarinet in a case: includes music, music stand & flip folder, $375.00, Call 712-249-4479.