United Group Insurance


Trading Post

January 23rd, 2012 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Toy Nerf Guns.  Automatic Tommy 20, Vulcan 25, Recon CS-6 with extra mag, laser & scope, Ammo box with 100 Nerf bullets.  $30 for all, like new.  Call 254-3297.

FOR SALE: One brown and one black “Classic” size bags, the following Classic Shells: Chloe, Brandi, Andi, Gayle, Cameron, Scarlet, Alyssa, Dani and Ebony.  Two conversion kits that allows you to make the bag into one handle, one set of brown and one set of black longer handles and one “bra” that gives you two extra pockets on the outside.  Excellent condition.   $225.00 for everything.  Great deal!    So much fun and you change the look of your purse in seconds.     jercrox@netins.net or 712-778-2565.

FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Several farm cats/kittens – great for catching mice!  If you are interested, please call or text 641-745-7341.

FOR SALE: Whirlpool gas stove. Works great. Changing to an electric stove. Asking $300.00 or best offer. Contact 712-249-7478 if interested.

FOR SALE: 2008 Millennium Falcon, over 2 1/2 feet long and 22 inches wide, this is a never been out of the box collectors item.  Asking $175.00 (less than you can find on the internet)  Call 243-4131.

FOR SALE: Late 1950′s Fairfax vacuum in like new condition with 6 bags.  $75.  243-3396

WANTED:  Size 3X leather jacket.  243-3396.

FOR SALE: Inversion table for $50.  249-6930.