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Griswold School Board approves transfer of property


January 17th, 2012 by Ric Hanson

The Griswold School District’s Board of Education, Monday night, approved the transfer of school property to the City of Elliott. Action on approving the transfer of five-acres of school property on the north edge of Elliott, to the City of Elliott, for a wetland project was held following a public hearing on the matter. Superintendent Dana Kunze said the marshy land offers an ideal, natural means of filtering nitrates out of the City’s drinking water.

Kunze said also, more work needs to be done before any action can be taken on Re-districting for School Board Districts. He said he will need to hold additional discussions with the AEA and University of Iowa as to how those districts are formed before the process can move forward. He says he thought they were off to a good start, but on second look, he may have to scrap what’s been accomplished so far, and start over. Kunze said there’s still plenty of time to accomplish the task, and the board still wants to head in that direction.

If the Griswold School District were to re-district it’s Board of Education, there would be four geographical districts and three board members elected At-Large, instead of the current seven different districts and one person from each district on the board. Kunze says it gets kind of confusing when redistricting is taken into consideration, as far as who stays on the Board and who has to run for re-election, but that can’t be determined until the districts are actually set. The University of Iowa provides those services to the district under an agreement reached earlier. Basically, it means the process is only in the formulative stages right now.

In other business, the Griswold School Board approved Kunze requesting from their bonding agent a means of maximizing funds for various projects, instead of just paying for the Middle School/High School roofing project alone.  He says he will ask Piper-Jaffrey to put together a bonding scenario which would allow the district to borrow against the penny sales tax revenue into the future, on approximately $2.2-million, so that the money is available for projects now. Kunze says “There’s a long laundry list of things (they) want to do, and unfortunately the list is longer than the money is,” therefore it will still take some determination to figure out which projects are a priority. He says they still have to live within their budget.