September 15th, 2011 by Jim Field
FOR SALE: hosier cabinet, in good condition- pale green in color, asking 500.00, price negotiable. 2 antique school desk-50.00 each, call 712-210-4625
WANTED: Large Indian corn. 712-268-5330
FOR SALE: Large box of old Lincoln logs $20 obo; Smith Corona Electric type writer, works perfect $20 obo. 243-7124
FOR SALE: 2 4×8 trailers, new lights $225 each. 243-7734
FOR SALE: CB Equipment hand held mikes, 2 mobile kickers, 2 bay stations, 1,23 channel, 1, 40 channel, 1 amtron antenna with 100 ft. coax, mobile radios 40 channel. $500 obo 712-326-4990.
WANTED: good solid wood stove reasonably cheap and looking for some miscellaneous sheets of tin for free or reasonably cheap, call 712-249-1891.
FOR SALE: Weslo Cadence 930 Treadmill, digital display, space saver design, $60. Also, Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia set, $20. My contact number is 712-249-3863.