United Group Insurance

Ragbrai in Atlantic


July 25th, 2011 by admin

Thousands of cyclists made their way to Atlantic Sunday as part of the 39’th edition of RAGBRAI.

The bikers left Glenwood on their near 60-mile trek to Atlantic as they traveled 9-miles to Silver City, 19-miles to Carson, 15-miles to Griswold, 7.5-miles to Lewis and then 8 miles to Atlantic.

The weather wasn’t exactly comfortable for the riders either Sunday afternoon as temps topped out in the low 90’s with dew points hitting nearly 80. There were reports of several riders needing medical treatment due to the uncomfortable conditions.

In addition to the hot, steamy weather, the riders also battled a drastic change in elevation of 462 feet on the trail to Atlantic.

Once the bikers arrived Sunday, they were greeted by numerous volunteers at the Cass County fairgrounds supplying free water and cokes as they made their way through 10th street to the camping areas. Numerous entertainment options were available Sunday night in downtown Atlantic including music and other food and beverage venders.

The Ragbrai riders will leave this morning as they now make their way to Carroll. If you plan on traveling at all this morning, you should avoid route 173 as that will be the trail the riders will take out of town towards Elk Horn and Kimballton.