United Group Insurance

City of Lewis water is safe for infants


July 14th, 2011 by Ric Hanson

Officials with the City of Lewis have announced it’s okay to serve tap water to infants. Late last week, the City issued a warning to parents and others who care for infants under six-months of age, about using City water to make infant formula, because test results on a sample taken indicated nitrate levels exceeded the acceptable nitrate standard. Nitrate in drinking water is a serious health concern for infants less than six-months of age.

Jon Martens, with the City of Lewis’ Water System says the raw water sample was taken from the wrong sample tap, and therefore the results of last week’s test are not valid. Martens says a confirmation sample of the water taken earlier this week shows the water is safe, and it is no longer necessary for residents of Lewis and those served by its water system, to take precautions about giving water to infants under 6-months of age.

The City is working to have the violation it incurred as a result of the first sample, invalidated. Officials apologize for any inconvenience, and thank residents for their patience while the water supply was being checked for nitrates.

If you have any questions or comments, contact Jon Martens at 712-243-1395.