United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council holds short meeting Wednesday evening


January 4th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council meeting lasted just 15 minutes, Wednesday evening, due to a short agenda. During their session, the Council, as expected, approved an Order making 1st Whitney Bank and Trust the City’s Official Bank for the Checking account in 2018, and an Order making the local paper the official newspaper for legal publications in 2018. They also passed the third and final reading of an Ordinance amending the current Code, with regard to No Parking on 13th Street, from Locust to Birch. The area had been overlooked for one side No Parking when the signs were posted on other streets. The result was that when vehicle parked on both sides of the street, it created a very narrow passage for vehicles to negotiate, and a safety hazard.

City Administrator John Lund informed the Council about various meetings coming up, including Community Protection on Jan. 16th. Dan Lee, Community Development Director for SWIPCO, is expected to be present during that 5:30-p.m. meeting to discuss a Rental Property Inspection Ordinance. There are other meetings that have yet to be scheduled for this month, including the Finance and Administration Committee meeting to discuss Bull Creek

John Danos, Dorsey and Whitney, LLP, partner, who provides cities and municipalities with financing and complex local government matters information, including those pertaining to bonds, will also meet with city leaders, with regard to facilitation a meeting with regard to financing the county-wide landfill. The meeting is expected to take place Jan. 17th, after the regular City Council meeting. The Atlantic Beautification Committee will meet January 18th. During the committee meetings, the public may attend, but cannot participate.

Lund says the other big thing that’s coming up in the next few months, deals with municipal bonds. Lund says there is a very narrow window for getting low, competitive interest rates because of tax reform, so getting the lowest rates possible this quarter is important. It’s expected that on February 21st, a Public Hearing will be held with regard to bonds, along with approval of the preliminary official statement and purchase agreement, and the City will receive the funds on Feb. 22nd.

Lund will talk later, as well, with Standard and Poors officials in New York, with regard to improving the City’s bond by upgrading it to “A minus.” And, in his report, Mayor Dave Jones reminded citizens and property owners in Atlantic, to shovel the snow off the sidewalks on their properties.